September 9, 2024

Bernie Sanders’ Son Announces Run for Congress and His Questionably Racist Past Surfaces

Levi Sanders
Levi Sanders’ (far right) campaign will focus on addressing issues such as the opioid crisis and gun reform. (Photo by acquelyn Martin, AP)

Levi Sanders, son of 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), has announced his run for Congress in the state of New Hampshire.

Sanders, who announced his bid Monday, Feb. 27, is seeking to replace Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, who’s held the seat for New Hampshire’s 1st congressional district since 2017, USA Today reported. Shea-Porter will not seek re-election.

Much like his father’s presidential campaign, Sanders’ platform will focus on themes like tuition-free college and healthcare without out-of-pocket costs. He also plans to address the deadly opioid crisis, equal pay for women and “sensible” gun laws, a serious issue in the wake of the tragic school shooting in Parkland, Fla. early this month.

“I’m very proud of Levi’s commitment to public service and his years of work on behalf of low income and working people,” Sen. Bernie Sanders told Manchester station TV WMUR, congratulating his son. “Levi will be running his own campaign, in his own way, with his own ideas. The decision as to who to vote for will be determined by the people of New Hampshire’s first district, and nobody else.”

Not everyone is hip-hip-hooraying over the younger Sanders’, 48, congressional bid, however. Critics were quick to point out past racist, and misogynistic comments made by the senior legal analyst, suggesting someone with his problematic views might not be the best fit for congressional office.

Levi Sanders will run as a Democrat.

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