February 12, 2025

Are All Fish Oil Supplements Really Good Brain Food? Discover The Truth Here

Fish oil has long been touted as the best brain food, but as our oceans become more polluted, so do the fish. Find out if all fish oil supplements are still good brain food and how to find the best ones.

The truthful answer is yes and no! It really all depends on the type, purity and quantity of the oil you take.

Fresh fish contain mercury, lead, PCB’s arsenic and dioxins today which seriously reduces their benefits, especially to the brain. For that reason, supplements are the obvious solution because you can then control the amount and purity of what you take.

It is the omega 3 fatty acids, primarily DHA, that helps to keep your brain in good working order and improves your mental health too, lifting your mood and reducing depression.

It appears these oils are able to free the neural pathways of debris build-up and this enables the transmissions to be sent out faster and with more clarity, avoiding anxiety. DHA fats make up a large part of the brains fats and help to keep the membranes healthy too.

Scientists recently discovered that quality fish oil supplements rich in DHA help to prevent the build-up of plaques that go on to trigger Alzheimer’s disease.

Taking quality oils will also significantly improve your memory and they are often recommended for children when they are studying for exams. Improved vision is also another benefit.

Many studies have shown how good the right fish oil is as brain food and one such study from Finland noted that the volunteers who had depression and who took the oils for a six month period showed less signs of depression that those who took a placebo.

In addition, the ones who had the oil showed far fewer suicidal tendencies.

Now to get these benefits, along with improved heart health and lower cholesterol, you need the right oil. Many on the market today offer little or no benefits and contain stale or rancid oil.

A high level of DHA fats is essential, check the label to see if they have a minimum of 270mg in each capsule or else you will lose most of the brain benefits.

A molecularly distilled oil means that all of the toxins have been separated out to leave pure and safe oil, again check the label.

If you would like to learn more about the pure DHA fish oil supplements I personally take, visit my website below.

Discover the best omega 3 fish oil today.


Rich Hawkins is a dedicated researcher of nutrition, diet and the amazing health benefits of high-quality fish oil. Take a moment to visit his site now at www.best-omega-3-supplement.com and discover the latest DHA omega 3 fish oils he recommends after extensive research.

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