October 23, 2024

Food for Thought: Brain Nutrition

Evolutionarily speaking, human beings are designed to consume a much more nutritional diet than the vast majority of modern humans enjoy. This should lead us to wonder what we might be missing out on, what aspects of our body’s normal functioning aren’t operating as they should be? Recent research has led many scientists to argue that our modern diet is leaving us shortchanged, particularly when it comes to optimum brain functioning.

Research has shown that getting just the right amount of glucose is crucial to proper brain functioning since too little deprives the brain of the fuel it needs, and too much glucose leads to a dangerous imbalance of insulin and blood sugar which leads to diabetes and a general deterioration of processes in the brain. The key to getting the right amount of glucose is to consume foods which facilitate your body digesting the glucose as slowly as possible, this means staying away from processed foods.

We must consume more whole grains and cut out things like white bread, for example. Foods that are high in sugar are bad, as is white rice and potatoes. Good foods are things like nuts, pasta, brown rice, fruits, veggies, and dairy products which are low in fat. Your brain requires a constant and steady supply of energy, sugary foods will cause your blood sugar to fluctuate and interrupt the steady flow your brain requires.

Free radicals are notorious for the destructive role they play in the body and their contribution to various forms of cancer. However what is not often recognized is that fact that the brain is the most susceptible part of the body to the damage caused by free radicals which often destroy neurons. It is therefore important to consume enough antioxidants to combat the negative effects of free radicals on your brain.

The best foods in terms of antioxidant levels include: prunes, berries, raisins, spinach, garlic, plums, broccoli, beets and sprouts. Wine, tea, and chocolate are also notable for their antioxidant properties and overall stimulating effects on important brain processes. When opting for tea, make sure it is from a real tea plant, meaning either black or green tea, other teas will have no effect. If you like the idea of drinking wine to stimulate your brain, red wine
is ideal but be careful not to drink too much, as soon as you start feeling drunk it means you’ve already begun killing brain cells. Finally, if chocolate is what you’re after, the darker the better.

Joe trains 5 times a week at Bally’s Gym in Orange County. A long-time fitness enthusiast, he recommends that you buy ephedrineand buy ephedrafrom Astronutrition.

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