February 13, 2025

GOP CNN panelist: ‘Trump kissing black babies proves he isn’t racist’

GOP CNN panelist: Trump kissing black babies proves he isn’t racist politics 1x1.trans

(Susan Walsh/AP)

The Jemele Hill controversy over her calling the president a “white supremacist” is not going anywhere, apparently, as the White House and Trump have both made their positions clear on the matter. They want an apology and Hill fired from ESPN.

A CNN panel discussion saw the former chairman of the Missouri Republican Party repeatedly insisting Trump can’t be racist because he kisses black babies.

Ed Martin was on CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin, when he said Trump involved himself because he enjoys fighting back, that he “loves this kind of stuff” and probably didn’t care about Hill’s race when attacking her and ESPN.

Political commentator Marc Lamont Hill stated that Jemele had the right idea when she made her comments about Trump.

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“Her analysis? Come on,” Martin said. “It is just something she’s observed. My assertion back would be when I watched Donald Trump interacted with African-Americans in Houston. When you see a man hugging and speaking with and kissing a baby, and they happen to be black, I say to myself, ‘He’s not a racist.’ You can’t fake being a racist.”

He repeated his comment about kissing African-American babies and was asked by Hill if it was possible to kiss a black baby and still be racist. Martin responded, “of course it is,” before saying he was simply using that as an example of counter evidence to support his belief that Trump is not racist.

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