February 19, 2025

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West named their new baby girl after this city

(Getty Images)

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West have landed on a name for their new baby girl, and she’s reportedly named after Kanye’s hometown: Chicago.

The Hollywood couple’s third child, Chicago West, was born on Monday via a surrogate, weighing 7 lbs. and 6 ounces. As reported by TMZ, Kim was in the delivery room at the time of birth and was the first person to have skin to skin contact the baby girl.

Kim and Kanye also have a 4-year-old daughter, North, and a son, Saint, who is 2.

You can expect to see the nickname “Chi West” on a timeline and tabloid near you.

The path to surrogacy

As previously reported, Kardashian suffered from a condition called placenta accreta, which would’ve made another pregnancy life-threatening. Therefore the couple chose the option of surrogacy.

The Wests reportedly agreed to pay an agency $68,850. That cost included $45,000 in 10, $4,500 monthly installments, with the surrogate getting $5,000 for each additional child if there are multiple and $4,000 if she loses reproductive organs.

The surrogate was required to refrain from smoking, drinking, or doing drugs during the pregnancy, as well as avoid hot tubs and saunas. Other prohibitions were handling or changing cat litter, apply hair dye, drink more than one caffeinated beverage per day, or eat raw fish. She was also required to to forego sex for three weeks after embryo implantation, and to restrict sexual activity leading up to the pregnancy.

Kardashian and West, for their part, agreed to “assume the legal and parental responsibilities for any child … that may possess any congenital or other abnormalities or defects.”

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