October 23, 2024

Eating For Your Brain

Eating certain foods is well-documented as being good for your brain. But did you know that you actually burn calories just by thinking? In fact, an active brain can burn an extra 100 calories per hour. No wonder we are so hungry after a long day of work!

“Feeding the brain” is no longer just a matter of statement, but rather of fact. For this reason, it is all the more important to load our bodies with healthy and nutritious foods. Our brains, like our bodies, need nutrition to stay active and the more vitamins and nutrients that our foods contain, the more likely we are to perform at both our mental, and physical peak.

So what kind of foods are sure to give us that extra brain power (that we all wish we had just a little bit more of)? Here is a list of the top 7:

Berries: they contain many anti-oxidative compounds (think of them as anti-rusting agents), that can help prevent various kinds of brain damage from free-radicals, ranging from memory loss to strokes
Nuts: are extremely high in Vitamin E, which helps to decrease memory loss as we age. They are also full of healthy fats, which help the brain function normally. Walnuts and almonds are two of the best
Apples: the healthy chemicals that help to make up apples actually help protect the brain from neurodegenerative diseases (in layman terms: what causes the brain to wear-down), such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Apples also help protect against damage by bacteria, fungi, and viruses
Tumeric (the yellow spice found in Curries): contains a chemical called curcumin, which has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities (inflammation is associated with dementia, strokes, and many other brain-related diseases)
Egg yolks: contains choline which is one of the most important nutrients to the brain – it is shown to help us retain knowledge. And don’t get hung-up on the cholesterol factor that usually has us turning our heads towards eggs in disgust: as long as you are eating a healthy diet, eating one egg a day won’t have any negative effect on your health in regards to cholesterol levels
Sardines (and other oily fish rich in Omega-3s, such as salmon): are thought to maintain healthy brain function, as well as to help our nerve cells effectively communicate with one another (in essence, having a positive effect on our memory and learning processes)
Oysters: rich in iron and zinc, help to keep your mind sharp and maintain your ability to concentrate

It’s no shocker that the healthier we eat the better we feel [physically]. And now, you can see that it can also help with your mental performance. So why not make a few small changes today, because you never know what a little extra brain power might do for you!


Jessica Kole is Personal Chef and Owner of The Guiltless Gourmet. As a Nutritional Chef and Diet Consultant, she offers her services to all of Southern California. With her Master’s in Holistic Nutrition, Jessica also knows the ins-and-outs of healthy living and uses this, paired with her cooking skills, to prepare meals that not only taste amazing but are just as good for you. She can be

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