October 23, 2024

Politics of Good Men

Many people who are living in our society today are of the idea that the best thing that could happen is to have the government to take more control of our lives.  They accept the notion that it is OK to relinquish certain rights and liberties so as to allow the government dictate certain aspects in everyone’s lives.  This, by any means, is not conventional wisdom and flies in the face of what America was founded on and what the word freedom means to many of us.

Freedom is best ascribed for man in the following way, to be left alone, to pursue one’s own ends for one’s own motives.  It is said that it should up to the individual to determine what is best for him in his life.  I believe that many would agree that many of the rights we have as human beings are God given and they cannot be taken away by anyone, organization or governmental body.

If our society would take a closer look at society itself, take a moment to figure out what is going on in then people would be absolutely amazed at how deep the deception is. Yes there is a deception going on. This is occurring openly on an unknowing general public for political as well as state power.  I am quite sure that most see the way our government is behaving in an unfavorable light, and it’s nothing less than despicable.  We have government officials embroiled in: tax evasion, pay for play, lying, obfuscation, disregard for the constitution, enforcing their personal belief systems so as to be fair or fairer to one group over another.  This is no way for man or government to be and certainly is no way for men in power to behave. As it is, it should not be an acceptable practice that the most corrupt few tell everyone else how to live, what to do, and in the process usurp natural freedoms.

If man were true to righteousness then we would have fair and just systems in place. Those systems would never fail and the reason would be because man’s purity and obligation to do good. However, this is not the case, man is not pure, he is not capable of resisting every vice, and with some men, as it has been shown throughout history, have the vice of power.  When a man of power attains a feeling of entitlement, empowerment or omnipotence then we have a man who could be prone to do great evil upon his fellow man based on his personal beliefs. 

Since man is imperfect it is fair to say that men can be evil, and no matter how well intentioned a man is he can stray away from righteousness when he attempts to impose his own personal beliefs on others.  It makes me wonder what will it take to make men in power come to the realization that their highest obligation is to always do good. This is very simple to understand and is considered one of the First Principles of the politics of good men.  It was stated long ago, 

“Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it” – William Pitt

It is now time for people around the world to realize the righteousness in themselves and demand that of their leaders.
New Federalists

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